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Artificial Intelligence

It is the subfield of computer science that focuses on creating systems capable of intelligent behavior, including problem solving, learning, adaptation, perception, and language understanding.

Progressive Multi-task Anti-Noise Learning and Distilling Frameworks for Fine-grained Vehicle Recognition

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This article presents two frameworks for combating issues with fine-grained vehicle recognition (FGVR) caused by image noise. The first, a progressive multi-task anti-noise learning (PMAL) framework, improves recognition accuracy by…

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AR-GAN: Generative Adversarial Network-Based Defense Method Against Adversarial Attacks on the Traffic Sign Classification System of Autonomous Vehicles

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The article discusses AR-GAN, a Generative Adversarial Network-based defense method against adversarial attacks on the Traffic Sign Classification System of Autonomous Vehicles. The AR-GAN classification system includes a generator that…

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